How to convert your iTunes, Google play, Amazon, Steam gift cards to Naira in Nigeria

iTunes card, Amazon, convert, make money, bank, how to make money, convert your giftcards to cash
Did you just receive a gift card from families or friends and don't know what to do with it but wish you could just turn this to cash in your bank account? Worry not as you have come to the right dealer.

Bring all your iTunes gift card, steam gift card, Amazon gift card to me. I buy all countries gift cards. In this blog posts, you'll get to know everything about gift cards, how it's used, what it entails and how to turn your iTunes and other types of gift card to money in naira easily and instantly in Nigeria.

What are gift cards

Gift cards are stored-value money card issued by a retailer or bank to be used as an alternative to cash for purchases within a particular store such as Amazon, Google play store, Apple iTunes, etc. They are usually issued by retailers and marketers as part of promotion strategies, to entice the recipient of such gift card to always return to the store for purchases. Gift cards are generally redeemable only for purchases in a particular store and it can not be cashed out and in some cases, may come with an expiry date. But, good news! Though, gift cards are designed to be redeemed for purchase within a specified store and there's no direct way to convert it to cash in your bank account, I can actually buy the gift card from you and redeem them on your behalf while you get your cash straight away to your bank account in Nigeria.

Of all the gift cards traded in Nigeria, there's no doubt that Apple iTunes gift card is the most prominent and popular. iTunes gift cards are used in iPhone App store to make purchases such as buying music, apps purchases and subscriptions. iTunes gift card, fortunately, do not have expiry date and they are redeemable through the App store on iPhones. To redeem an iTunes gift card a promotional code on the card usually starting with the letter X is entered in the App store on an iPhone. Once redeemed, the account is credited with a balance equivalent to the value of the card which can be used for purchasing Apps and music within the App store. Some other gift cards that are of more value and prominent in Nigeria are Amazon, steam and Google play gift cards.

How to convert any type of gift card to Nigeria Naira in bank account

Here in Nigeria, it's a bit difficult to find exchanges or trusted broker that can exchange your iTunes gift cards for cash or naira. This is the reason why you need to be careful with who you sell or exchange your  iTunes gift cards with. So many scammers have occupied this space and they rip you by offering you high rate which you can't get anywhere. By exchanging your gift cards with me, I can assure you of secure dealings and instant payment.
To convert any type of gift card to Naira or cash in your bank account in Nigeria, simply follow these steps:

  1. Work up to any gift card store such as Walmart and purchase any type of gift card such as: iTunes gift card, Amazon gift card, Google play gift card, steam gift card, etc.
  2. Scratch the card to reveal its code.
  3. Take a clear picture of the card and the receipt.
  4. Click this link to open a chat with me on WhatsApp. WhatsApp is the platform where I carry out my business transactions. I'll respond to your message as soon as I see it, then we can deal appropriately.
 Click here to convert your iTunes gift card to cash now

Reason why you should choose me for your gift card conversion to cash

  1. Instant payment after validation. Convert your iTunes, steam and Amazon gift card to cash through me today and experience instant payment after validation of your gift cards.
  2. Opportunity to negotiate price with me.
  3. Secure, legit and scam free. I'm a trustworthy individual who has done businesses worth millions of Naira with unknown online users without any issues. I'm legit and has built up a reputation which I strive to protect. You can be rest assured that you are dealing with the right person for your gift card conversion. So, bring all your iTunes, steam and Amazon gift card to me right now and avoid being ripped by scammers online. Below is a screenshot of my transaction history with people.

    A customer's status on WhatsApp recommending me
  4. No registration needed. No kyc needed. No identity verification needed. You don't need to go through the risk of submitting your identity to unknown people.
  5. Best rate you can ever find for your gift cards. Avoid giving away your gift cards to people at a give away price. Though, it's called gift card, but I guessed you don't want to gift out your gift to someone else, no pun intended.                                                                                                  Click here to convert your iTunes gift card to cash now

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