Things to know about student bank accounts

You just got into the university and now need to get your finances in check? Check out our guide for everything you need to know about student bank accounts, according to

Why should you get a student bank account?
If you already have a bank account, you may not think you should bother with a student one. The main difference is the interest-free overdraft. This is probably one of the only times you will ever get this so it is worth taking advantage! As a student, you’ are probably going to need one, so go large and get the biggest interest-free one you can find – it will give you financial breathing space, which is never a bad thing.
That said, don’t forget that some banks are more likely than others to dish out their maximum overdrafts, so you might want to choose an account where there is a better chance of getting the full amount even if it is not the highest advertised on the market.
It is a good idea to open a student account before you start university, especially if you are applying for a student loan as the money will be paid directly into your bank account and it can be a drag to change accounts when you are juggling your studying with a hangover. Check the small print. You are going to want to know about any charges for going over your overdraft limit before it happens. 

If you get into trouble
Whichever bank you choose, remember that you may need their help if you have money troubles later on, and they will likely offer you as much support as they can. If you are ever in financial difficulty it is a good idea to contact the bank and discuss it with them.

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